

First broadcast on  

This information is provided by Provet for educational purposes only.

You should seek the advice of your veterinarian if your pet is ill as only he or she can correctly advise on the diagnosis and recommend the treatment that is most appropriate for your pet.

What are Pheromones ? 

Pheromones are chemical substances which are produced by an animal and which have an effect on other animals in the same species. For example, cats use pheromones to mark the edges of their territory. The pheromone gives a signal to other cats that they are entering another cats territory which will be defended. Pheromones are also produced by female animals that are receptive to males (that is when they are on "heat" or "in season") to attract mates .

The use of pheromones has been commercially exploited in sprays to deter neighbourhood cats from entering gardens. Provet has heard mixed opinions about the effectiveness of these sprays and they  have been reported to have limited success in some situations, probably for two reasons :

  • Aggressive, dominant entire male tom cats are unlikely to be deterred by such sprays as they spend a considerable amount of time challenging other cats for their territory - even when they have been marked naturally.
  • A pheromone spray may also affect the cat that lives in the household and  prevent it from going outside into the garden, particularly if it is a neutered cat. This  fear of going out may also induce antisocial behaviour such as spraying in the house.  


If you have used a pheromone spray Provet would like to hear your experiences. We will collate all information sent in, and if we get  a good response we will broadcast the findings. Please send details of your experience to 

Thank You !


Last updated : October 2013