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This information is provided by Provet for educational purposes only.

You should seek the advice of your veterinarian if your pet is ill as only he or she can correctly advise on the diagnosis and recommend the treatment that is most appropriate for your pet.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)  in North America  issued a public health warning following reports of human illness following the handling of dog chew products made from Beef or Pork

30 cases of Salmonella infection in humans in Canada have been reported to have been contracted from handling dog chews. This  finding prompted the FDA to issue a warning to consumers to take care when handling dog chews derived from beef or pork. Everyone should wash their hands with hot water and soap after handling chews and it is recommended that they should not be handled by children, old people or anyone with an immune disorder who might be susceptible to infections.

Although all the cases reported so far have occurred in Canada, examination of similar products in the US and in UK showed that they could pose a risk to humans. Further studies are ongoing to determine the actual risk involved, but according to one medical epidemiologist any meat-derived chew could harbour pathogenic salmonella.

Presumably infection could also be transmitted to dogs. Provet would like to hear from any suspect cases that you may have seen, or that you might see in the future. The human infections reported in Canada were caused by Salmonella infantis which is one of over 2000 strains that are currently recognised.  


Updated January 2016